March 10, 2012

if we FAIL

assalamualaikum. first of all, LA TAHZAN INNALLAHAMA'ANA. it means, dont be sad. ALLAH is always be beside you.everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. it doesnt matter. because, Allah create us with that to show that nobody perfect. that's why we need help and we need to help people in need. and thats why we need to always remember Him. not only when we got problem. but, EVERYTIME.  thats our responsible as the Khalifah in this world. let's say, in the exam, its always and always be, others will got more marks than ourselves. and yet, i'm sure, we'll feel down. oh ! its the END ! heyyy. dear, look. its a big big NO okay. we cannot compare ourselves with others. just compare with yourself. we never know how much their brain are. maybe 90%. but, we only got 80%. so how to achieve something like them? so, no need to feel frust, to feel down. just find the best way to achieve your OWN aim. not others. okay ?

okay. aku dah dapat result first QUIZ akuh. and it's soo TERRIBLE okay. melalak aku. serius. aku down sebab aku jeling kertas kawan sebelah, she got 29/30. then. someone said, he got 30/30. and aku ? below 25. teruk kan ? siapa tak rasa down? memang aku down. aku sanggup guna tangga turun dari tingkat 8 daripada guna lif. sebab aku rasa, macam, urghhh ! faham kan maksud aku ? and, aku lari dari semua orang. fortunately i met MISS DEN. she asked me why what. fuhh. menangis depan Dekan. apa komen ? buat malu je kan. tapi, aku rasa, ada hikmah aku jumpa Miss Den . sebab she taught me to be myself. she said, that, dont compare yourself with others. it doesnt matter if you fail. at least you noticed what you're need to study more. to put more effort than others. remember, kadang kadang Allah hilangkan matahari dari pandangan, kita menangis dan tertanya tanya ke mana hilangnya sinar. tapi, rupa rupanya Dia hadirkan pelangi yang sangat indah dalam hati kita. yang lebih berwarna warni untuk kita. see, how fair this world is?

DISEBALIK AWAN MENDUNG. TERSEMBUNYI SINAR YANG KITA TAK NAMPAK. TAPI DIA ADA ! bezanya hanya cepat atau lambat orang tu jumpa.. itu jea. kita tak tahu apa yang akan jadi pada kita esok hari, setahun lagi, atau mybe sepuluh tahun lagi. lagi banyak cabaran dugaan yang kita perlu tempuh. so, kalau kita give up sekarang, how's about our future ?

COME ON dear. think positive.APAPUN YANG TERJADI KU KAN SELALU ADA UNTUKMU JANGANLAH KAU BERSEDIH CAUSE EVERYTHING GONNA BE OKAY. we have ALLAH. we have ISLAM. just tell Him. and Dia Maha Pemurah. Dia tak kan bagi dugaan yang HambaNya tak mampu nak tanggung . remember that !

semua orang pernah mengalami kegagalan. so, COME ON dear ! WAKE UP . dont feel sad, because behind u, there's a lot of people. they will support u . :))

Allah tak suka Hambanya cepat menyerah kalah. even Thomas Edison yang cipta lampu pun dah gagal more than thousands times .


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