May 10, 2015


Hari-hari hari mama (:

Dear mama,
Terima kasih for being the best mother for us. Terima kasih besarkan kami berempat.

Dulu mama selalu tak datang waktu hari terbuka. Sedihnya time tu Dia je yang tahu. I've been so excited to show you my result. To let you hear all the good comments from my teachers. Jeles dengan kawan kawan lain yang parents diorang beratur amik nombor giliran duduk sebelah, cikgu tunjuk keputusan. Bila aja dapat naik pentas, you rarely been there. Sedihnya. 

But I know mummy, you're working hard for me, for us. Takpeee. Pujuk diri sendiri.

Thankyou for always been there for me. Ya, you're not always been there physically, but you never fail to comfort me. Masa sekolah dulu, Bila rasa susah belajar, you'll try so hard to relieve my worriedness. Mama hantar aja tuisyen personally dengan cikgu. Sedangkan kawan lain tak de macam tu pun. 
Mama bawa balik buku buku rujukan bertimbun timbun. Haaa buku latihan lagi, even i rarely complete it most of the time, aherher
Bila masuk uni, u bought be everything. Dengan kereta lagi, laptop lagi, katil, study table. Yea. Everything ma. Yet. Im still not being a good daughter. 

I've been rude sometimes. 
Stubborn most of the time. 
But, trust me, I never do that intentionally. I just been too emotional sometimes :(

Terima kasih untuk segala doa ikhlas mama. Seriously ma, without your du'a, im not who i am now.

Terima kasih sebab selalu bebel bebel suruh kemas bilik, 
thats how I learn how to tidy up my room eventho lepastu selerak balik. Muahah. 
Terima kasih sebab selalu suruh bangun cepat, 
thats how I trained to not sleep after fajr prayer and make use the time 
Terima kasih sebab selalu suruh buat kerja sendiri, 
thats how I learn to be independent.
Terima kasih untuk segalanya, dari A sampailah ke Z.
Dari aorta sampailah ke cerebral artery and all it branches, sampai ke dorsalis pedis artery. 

You are like my heart ma.
Without you, seriously how my body will function well. You are the one who pumps out all the needs to all my body, my life, without you, i'll be hypoxic. 

Dear mama, sempena hari ibu, I wish you semoga berbahagia selalu. Semoga dipermudahkan segalanya. I promise to never leave you alone. I will always take care of you. *takenotebakalsuami . Nanti dah kerja, dah ada duit banyak, aja buatkan rumah untuk mama okay? (:

I love you now and forever

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