ASSALAMUALAIKUM . jika anda hilang segala galanya , be thankful. cause u still have FUTURE :) okayy , sekarang weather windy je kan . kalau main layang layang mesti best. tiba tiba teringat kat HOMEROOM ZUHIMMAH. wuuwuu. layang layang kita terbang paling tinggi kan ? seronok ! judger tu pun sampai tak percaya layang layang kita tu kan ?
With every breath you take, someone just took their last. Be thankful for your life, do good while you are allowed, and never forget your ultimate destination!
yeahh . alhamdulillah . finally we succeed ! nampak tak muka bahagia kami ? syafirul ariff, thanksss helping us. err, rocket kali ni dah cantik sikit dari yg before . |
okayy. this is my pretty roomate. she's very nice :)) her name is FATHIN ATIQAH |
andd after finished launching the water rocket, I try this one . wuuwuu. seriously hard maa ! keluar peluh keayuan aku tau. orang kat bawah jerit jerit, go HERBALIFE ! amboii haa, hang tak mau try . main jerit jerit haa :P
Life is going to be filled with painful moments. Some that are caused by others and others that are a result of your own doing. It has been my experience that if you take care of the painful moments that we create ourselves, the pain that others cause is not as painful. Always be cautious of the sins you commit, be hasty in repenting to Allah, and make Allah your ultimate goal in life. You will survive and you will succeed. InsyaAllah