December 15, 2011

interview session

oke. nampak tuh muka budak baju biru tudung kelabu tuh. muka cuakk kan? konon senyumm ! hha. okay. nak share about interview ni. first first sumpah cuak ! bangun pagi tuh aku da cuak. seram sejuk je. kaki aku pun sejuk semacam je. padahal air cond tak on pun--" then, sampai dekat ANGGERIK MALL bertambah tambah lahh kecuakan akuh. tengok muka orang orang kat sana, semua muka educated kan. jalan jalan kejap , konon nak hilangkan cuak, tapi makin cuak kott. 

okay. then, ''perhatian kepada calon temuduga pukul sebelas sila beratur di kaunter pendaftaran'' oky time level keCUAKan aku dah decrease. maybe. sebab dah kenal kenal dengan group akuh. orang first akuh kenal SYAIRA . from TGB . tapi dia orang ganu. oky. seronok layan dialek ganu ni. hha. then, ade AINA , DILA , SYAIRA II andd so on. *tak sempat nak kenal sangat . almaklum masing masing tengah cuak. hhik.

then, masuk dalam. macam biasa, bagi salam, minta izin duduk. then, panel bagi short briefing. oky. before i forget, 1 group 8 person. oky. task kami, kami diberi RM 100,000.00 to start a bisnes. okay. our bisnes, HERBA product! oky kann ? argue lah kenapa nak HERBA . oky. for this, try to start the discussion. like ''okey guys. i think we should start our discussion now''. then diskus, macam mana nak start bisnes ni. pilih CEO, marketting manager, Chief Financial Officer, human resource, juruaudit. *lagi aku tak ingat. maap

oky. and i am the CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER.then kami disuruh untuk bentangkan hasil perbincangan. then, panel tuh tanye soalan . contohnye :

  • who is your CEO ? do you think he is a good leader ?
  • why we should choose you ? *medic programme
  • tell me about yourself and your family background ?
  • who you think should be the best leader ?
  • are you a leader or follower ?
  • in this company, who you think to be eliminated and why ?
  • a doctor use a lot of money. are you agree or disagree ? tell me 3 reasons 
then, at the end, its better for you to ask something about the scholarship. so that they know you are very interested with the scholarship. aku tanya panel tuh, MARA takda hantar pergi overseas ke for medic program ? then dia kata, ada. tapi untuk post SPM sahaja. tu pun terhad. siapa cepat, insya Allah dapat. 

oky, aku pun tak mengharap sangat. kalau ada rezeki, adelah kan. the most important thing is i had try my BEST. so sekarang TAWAKAL tu 'Alallah saja lahh. and, aku dapat pengalaman :) 
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